Aeonium x hybridum

This is a post to compare the differences between the hybrid Aeonium x hybridum and a similar looking species Aeonium simsii. Unfortunately this hybrid is often incorrectly identified and it is not uncommon to find it sold as and named as Aeonium simsii.

Aeonium × hybridum (Aeonium simsii x Aeonium spathulatum)

Aeonium x hybridum is a small but upright growing plant reaching around 20cm in height and 30cm or more in width. It develops a rigid and sturdy framework of small branches. In winter it is generally green and open growing.

Aeonium x hybridum

Throughout the summer dormancy period the plants transform developing very compact oval shaped heads.

 Aeonium x hybridum

*A key characteristic of this hybrid is the round bead shaped cilia (hair like structures) on the margins of the leaves. These are tiny and you may need a lens to see them clearly.

 Aeonium x hybridum

Aeonium simsii

Aeonium simsii on the other hand is very low growing rarely reaching more than 10 in height. Growth is generally low and horizontal with plants developing small lateral side shoots and over time forming small clusters.

 Aeonium simsii

Aeonium simsii

*A key characteristic of Aeonium simsii is the long thin cilia (hair like structure) also on the margins of the leaves.

Aeonium simsii

So comparing the different leaf margins and along with the difference in size and growth habit, the two can easily be distinguished apart.